Soumya K
Research Scholar, Institute of Management & Commerce, Srinivas University, Mangalore, India,
Purpose: This study provides understanding the digital marketing by reviewing Existing literature we can understand the evolution of digital marketing and its current trend helps to identify gaps in the current research by examining what has been studied and establish synthesize existing knowledge bringing together finding from various studies to provide a comprehensive overview of digital marketing concepts this study also allows for a critical evaluation of existing research. By analysing previous studies can highlight strengths weakness and biases in the current literature and also lead to practical application of digital market it helps to highlight emerging trends and technology in the digital marketing Design: This study outline the specific areas of digital marketing that will be covered such as SEO, social media marketing content marketing, email marketing and analytics Results: the study of digital marketing will provide key insights into the strategies ,tool, hazards, associated with this field the review highlights the importance of integrating digital marketing channels and platform to enhance business performance . core hazards identified include like data privacy issues the need for constant technological adaptation, and risk of misinformation spreading through digital channels.it require data protection measures ongoing education for marketers and strategies to maintain accurate information. Originality: this study explores the use of digital marketing in the core concepts this research focus on the research position of core concepts like SEO, social media marketing content marketing, email marketing and analytics, with regards to the prior theory and provides the research gap, agenda for further research ,its advantage benefit constraint disadvantages ,and suggestion for practice
Keywords: digital marketing, Search Engine optimization, content marketing social media marketing ,email marketing and analytics
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies (EBMS)

Published on : 2024-07-15

Vol : 11
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2024
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