Bernadette Kayitesi, Dr. Eugenia Nkechi Irechukwu (PhD)
School of Business Management and Economics, Mount Kenya University, Rwanda
The purpose of this research was to examine monitoring and evaluation tools and performance of climate change project, case study of Green Amayaga Project. The research was guided by the following specific objectives: to evaluate the effect of project control tools on the performance of Green Amayaga climate change project, to assess the effect of project performance reporting on the performance of Green Amayaga climate change project and to determine the effect of project results evaluation on the performance of Green Amayaga climate change project. Three theories identified in this research include goal setting theory, theory of change and evaluation theory of tree. Furthermore, the research design used both descriptive and correlation analyses. The target population was made up of 143 people while the sample size is 106 selected using simple random sampling technique and quota sampling including the beneficiaries of Green Amayaga Project. Primary data was collected using questionnaires and interview guide. The findings revealed a strong relationship between project control tools and project performance as reported by the Pearson correlation (r=0.735, p<0.05). The findings on objective two (r=0.604, p<0.05) indicates positive and significant relationship with project performance. The findings based on the third objective reported a moderate positive relationship (r=0.504, p<0.000) between project result evaluation and project performance. The regression analysis reported R2=0.810 showing that 81% of the project performance is due to the influence of the use of project M&E tools such as project control tools, project performance reporting and project result evaluation. The researcher recommends that the project managers in community-based projects such as the Green Amayaga should use the M&E tools to ensure such projects achieve their development objectives within their budget, timeframe, and scope. The researcher also recommends that progressive reporting should be adopted in order to continuously furnish the donors and other stakeholders with relevant information for decision making.
Keywords: Monitoring and Evaluation, M&E Tools, Climate change adaptation, Project Performance, Rwanda
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies (EBMS)

Published on : 2024-07-16

Vol : 11
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2024
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