Hemantha Kumara MG, Dr.Sudhindra Bhat
Institute of Management and Commerce, Srinivas University, Mangalore, Karnataka, India-575001
Purpose: The study seeks to explore and evaluate the banking operations, particularly the financial performance, of Urban Cooperative Banks (UCBs) in India up to December 2024. The investigation employed data sourced from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), with the analysis of results largely driven by the researcher's interpretations. The goal of the research is to assess the metrics derived from various chosen indicators that act as benchmarks for measuring UCBs' performance. Methodology: This research includes critical statistical data and financial statements of Urban Cooperative Banks (UCBs) from 2020-21 to 2023-24. Urban Cooperative Banks have long faced challenges with low credit uptake. At the same time, commercial banks have been lowering interest rates on demand deposits, such as savings accounts, and time deposits, like fixed deposits. This trend has led some informed retail depositors to shift their savings to financially sound UCBs that offer more attractive interest rates on both demand and time deposits. Typically, well-performing UCBs would welcome such an increase in their deposit base. However, due to the weak demand for retail credit, these banks are finding it difficult to invest these deposits profitably enough to cover their servicing costs. The key question is whether UCBs can devise effective strategies and plans to address this challenge. The researcher analyzed the performance of Shiva Cooperative Bank Ltd, Tarikere, a UCB, to ascertain whether it had effectively strategized and planned for this objective. To this end, the researcher reviewed the bank's financials for the period from FY 2020-21. It was discovered that the UCB had not consistently expanded its current accounts and savings accounts (CASA) base. The bank’s profit margin also reflected this pattern. The correlation between the UCB’s net income and CASA base displayed a negative 20 percent! This irregularity suggested the ineffective utilization of the low-cost CASA base by the UCB. Typically, one would anticipate the net income to rise whenever the CASA base increased. Additionally, the UCB struggled to maintain steady growth in its overall deposit base, with the ratio of the CASA base to the total deposit base varying significantly. Paper Type: This paper is conducted using secondary data using a few basic formulas, hence it is Analytical research
Keywords: Camel model, UCBs, Key financial indicators, Growth rates.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies (EBMS)

Published on : 2025-01-03

Vol : 11
Issue : 12
Month : December
Year : 2024
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