Brahmadatha M R
Research Associate, International Centre for Technological Innovations (ICTI)
Jackfruit is a fruit that is organic and nutrition-packed. It is known to be the largest edible fruit in the world, rich in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Despite the benefits, the fruit is underutilised in commercial scale processing due to lack of post- harvest technology and gaps in supply chain systems. The public has not appreciated its innumerable possibilities, commercially and nutritionally. As a result of this, more than 60% of this nutrition-packed fruit produced every year is wasted. This paper provides an innovative business method to utilise the fruit as a medicinal value-added product (Jackfruit flour) for diabetes patients. By providing training, resources and disseminating technologies from research institutes, the Jackfruit flour can be produced by collectivising women Self Help Groups and jackfruit farmers. This will result in increased employment opportunities and market potential for jackfruit ensuring the effective utilisation of the crop.
Keywords: Jackfruit, wastage, Business method, Value-added product, flour, diabetes, employment.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies (EBMS)

Published on : 2021-11-29

Vol : 8
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2021
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