Dr. Manisha Shekhawat
Guest faculty , JNVU, Jodhpur
Collective bargaining is a dynamic concept. Various types of collective bargaining have been successfully used by both labour and management to respond effectively to the changing demands of workplace functioning and market pressure. Central to the functioning of collective bargaining is the concept of power. At present, there is a definite trend in favour of enterprise bargaining or ever work place bargaining rather than for industry-wide bargaining. The main issue of C.B. in India is (a) the mode of ascertaining the majority status of a trade Union-s (b) grant of exclusive bargaining rights to the majority union. The labour movement is facing the impact of globalisation, automation & changing demand patterns as the nation moves towards a service-oriented economy. Such forces have reduced the number of blue-collar, semi-skilled & unskilled workers & increased the number of white collar, technical & professional employees. The labour movement must device organising & bargining strategies that appeal to these expanding groups. So far unions have generally been unsuccessful in this endeavour. Additionally, the labour movement has to face the growing management opposition to the unions & collective bargaining. To remain competitive in domestic & international market, many companies are taking actions that will either reduce union influence at the work place or even eliminate the need to deal with a Union.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Studies (EBMS)

Published on : 2022-12-05

Vol : 9
Issue : 12
Month : December
Year : 2022
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