Dr. M. Satheesh Pandian, Dr.G.N.Ramakrishna
1Assistant Professor, *2Assistant Professor, 1, Department of Economics and Centre for Research in Economics, Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Tiruppattur, Sivaganga (Dt), Tamil Nadu-630 211. *2ADepartment of Economics, Acharya Institute o
Rising temperature distress affects the agriculture sector in various forms and it results in increasing unwanted pests and diseases. Flood and excess rain over a dumpy duration of time leads to widespread harms to crops. Excessive weather conditions have caught the eye of agrarian professionals and scientists alike and that they are now concentrating on natural farming to detain the shocks of worldwide climate change. In India, as elsewhere within the world, climate change is now having major attention on the political and public agenda. Within the subcontinent, exacting attention is being given to the impact of climatic changes on farming sector since there might be solemn implications for food security. With this backdrop the present paper made an attempt to explain the impact of climate change on the agriculture both in national and international landscape, its effects, and methods need to follow and suggest some of the implications to implement for the policy making.
Keywords: Climate Change; Agriculture; Temperature; Farming Sector
Journal Name :
International Journal of Indian Economic Light(JIEL)

Published on : 2021-12-25

Vol : 9
Issue : 2
Month : December
Year : 2021
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