Sadia Begum, Anil Bukya, Neeti Harshitha M
Department of Nutrition, Capital Degree and PG College, Shapur Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana, India
The purpose of this study is to explore the knowledge and attitude of pregnant women towards the importance of balanced diet during pregnancy.There is tremendous changes in dietary habits of people in our country. Nutrition in pregnancy refers to dietary planning several months before conception, as well as throughout pregnancy and breast-feeding. maternal and child under nutrition account for more than 10 percent of global burden of disease,Epidemiology of maternal under nutrition is mostly in many low-and middle-income countries leads to various complications like Anaemia in the pregnant women, poor foetal development Nutritional requirements before concept include the following Take folic acid supplement, Maintain ideal weight, vitamin A intake should be within normal limit, giving up smoking.Nutritional requirements during pregnancy and lactation,vary depending on a womans age, BMI and activity level. Normally, caloric intake should increase by 300 k cal/day, recommended protein intake is 60 g/day, carbohydrates 45-64%. Recommended Dietary Allowances rise for most vitamins and minerals during pregnancy,Nutritional problem during pregnancy include Anaemia, pica, Hyperemesis Gravid arum, Heartburn, pre-eclampsia, Gestational weight gain, insulin resistance, managed by eating wholesome diet as recommended. Preserve ideal weight, at preconception obesity (BMI less than 30) inhibit ovulation due to change insulin activity and effect on hormone activity, underweight (BMI less than 18.5) increase chance of low birth weight. In present study total 150 pregnant womens get knowledge about balanced diet information from elders (52%), from social media 38%. 52% of women showed dietary intervention to improve mental health during pregnancy. In pregnant womens exercises performance 11% womens did every day exercises whereas 32% never did exercises. Pregnant womans takes no. of meals per day 4 times meals (66% womens), 3 times meals consumption by 34% womens, 2 times meals by 5% women per day. Junk food consumption in pregnant womens 21% womens never consumed junk foods whereas 33% womens consumed everyday junk foods. Pregnant womens Drinking water per day 42% womens takes 2 liters per day whereas 13% womens take less than 1 liter per day.
Keywords: Pregnant womens, Balanced diet knowledge, Dietary intake
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Socio-Economic and Environmental Outlook(SEEO)

Published on : 2023-09-15

Vol : 10
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2023
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