Kishan Gopal Jhanwar, Rajeev Mehta, Preeti Mehta
The high level of attention being given to water harvesting and groundwater recharge in Rajasthan reflects both the aridity of the state and increasing concerns regarding groundwater overdraft. Rajasthan’s economic growth is largely dependent on water, more specifically on groundwater. 71% of the irrigation and 90% of the drinking water supply source is groundwater . Presently, there is tremendous pressure to exploit groundwater by State and private users, i.e. by those who have access and control over this limited resource. The resulting consequences are also well known - in 2019, out of 236 groundwater zones, only 20.8% were categorized as safe. The rest reached the stage of being categorized as semi-critical (8.9%), critical (33.9%) and over-exploited (36.4%). The causes of groundwater depletion and pollution are rooted in population growth, economic expansion, decline in groundwater recharge and over-abstraction caused by the rapid increase in the number of wells and tubewells and the progress in pumping technology. Besides rainfall and lithological characteristics, the development of groundwater aquifers and recharge to such aquifers is largely determined by the geomorphic properties of the land, especially slope, drainage patterns and the nature and thickness of the unconsolidated/semiconsolidated layers over the bedrock formations. A good correlation exists between the hydrogeological properties of non-hard rock areas and the geomorphic properties of the land. Since geomorphic features can easily be identified through visual interpretation of remote sensing products and field traverses, it is possible to identify potential aquifers and to locating areas suitable for groundwater recharge . However, very few studies on the relationship between geomorphic properties and groundwater characteristics have been done in Rajasthan, and most of these have been carried out in universities in the arid western part of the State. One of the largest challenges in evaluating the viability of groundwater harvesting for recharge is the lack of accessible technical information on the overall groundwater context in Rajasthan. As a result, the first step in planning and the development of groundwater resources in the State should be detailed mapping of the resource base. In addition, to asses and plan optimum utilization of groundwater resources, precise determination of all the hydrological parameters under different geomorphic and rainfall conditions for the same lithological unit is required. Even the river basin boundaries should be demarcated more precisely – something that can be achieved with the help of advanced remote sensing techniques. In areas where basin boundaries cannot be identified, we suggest that the area of the basin be classified into “Donor” and “Receptor” zones or as “Index Catchment”.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Socio-Economic and Environmental Outlook(SEEO)

Published on : 2021-07-22

Vol : 8
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2021
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