Maniram Meena
assistant professor, rajkiya mahavidyalaya, karauli
All teenage children react differently to divorce, but psychologists have noted that children also react differently according to age. Young children often experience grief when they find out that their parents are separating and become sad and clingy. Teenagers, on the other hand, often view divorce as betrayal and pull away from their parents. As the teenager attempts to distance himself from his parents, he may act out in other ways. Teenagers often become extremely anger at one or both parents. The result can be abusive behavior such a shouting and name-calling, or it may take the form of withdrawal from family contact.Often the teen will take the side of one parent and “punish” the other with abusive behavior or by ignoring them outright.Teens may demand to be allowed to spend more time with their friends to stay away from the house, and may grow angry and abusive if prevented from doing so. Teenagers may become less involved with school, responsibilities, and other activities. Grades will often drop and you may notice a marked increase in truancy.The teen may increase dangerous or self-abusive behavior such as binge drinking, using drugs, and sexual promiscuity.Conversely, teens may try to improve their behavior, improve grades, and focus more on schoolwork in an effort to save their parents’ marriage or make up for what they consider to be their fault.
Keywords: teenage, divorce, negative, effects, children, parents, behavior,age
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Socio-Economic and Environmental Outlook(SEEO)

Published on : 2022-01-11

Vol : 9
Issue : 1
Month : January
Year : 2022
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