Saraswathi C
ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Gopalan College of Commerce
The developing country India face the problems like modernization, lack of basic needs, poverty, pollutions (excessive corban emission), and groundwater depletion owing to overdevelopment and mismanagement are just some of the negative effects of over urbanization. Increasing population in large Indian cities not only puts a huge burden on the overall infrastructure and management of energy, water and transportation, but also has a hazardous effect on the atmosphere, and climate. These are the cause and impact on the growth of an economy. Therefore, India has to concentrate on the introduction of the Green Economy which will be the Sustainable development for the developing country India. Green economy has recently emerged as a key concept on the global sustainable development agenda. Over the last decade, India rapid growth has created job opportunities and helped improved the standard of living. However, its remarkable growth record is restricted by a degrading environment and depleting natural resources, which has necessitated taking major steps to achieve a green and decarbonized economy. COVID-19 has turned consumers attention to a greener economy, prompting brands to resort to sustainability by default. Consequently, with the aid of the government and corporations, India must make the transition to a circular economy.
Keywords: Green Economy, Importance of Green Economy in India, India’s Status as a green Economy. Government initiative towards Green Economy.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Socio-Economic and Environmental Outlook(SEEO)

Published on : 2022-12-06

Vol : 9
Issue : 12
Month : December
Year : 2022
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