Mrs Sunindita Pan
Assistant Professor in Economics, Loyola Academy Degree & P.G.College, Alwal, Telangana-500010, India
In view of modern technologies among all field of human activity, the modus operandi has undergone tremendous change, education sector is not exceptional. At global level, there have been evolutionary changes in teaching-learning methods due to Augmented reality, Virtual reality and hybrid learning. Modern teachers are forced to adapt new teaching methodologies to accommodate the present generation of learners. The new millennial have new learning expectations, self proclaimed style, different needs from the past generations of learners. This paper is an analytical study on modern teaching-learning in the changed environment accommodating next generation learners. In this article, author seeks to discuss acceptable teaching-learning ethos in favor of present generation or Z generation learners. It provides an insight how these learners are engaged in higher education, their perspectives, styles, preferences and concerns Objective of Study-The aim of this study is to analyses the trends and nature of Z generation learners and changing educational environment in Higher Educational Institutions. This study can help many institutions with valuable information to design effective policies and practices. Methodology of Study-This article is based on descriptive qualitative method. Information has been collected from available resources on websites like blogs, articles, surveys, research papers. Research Gap- There are fewer studies that focus on a specific country to know about them and have a proper understanding of Gen zeds living in the particular nation. Limitation of Study- It is important to keep in mind, as the Z generation grows, trends and behavior changes due to shift in their outlook and experiences.
Keywords: Z generation, modern teachers, learners, higher education.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2023-04-04

Vol : 8
Issue : 3
Month : March
Year : 2023
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