Dr. Arturo G. Palaming
Faculty, Pangasinan State University, Bayambang Campus, Philippines
This study sought determine the instructional competence of Social Studies teachers in the public secondary schools of Bautista as basis for a proposed management plan during the school year 2021-2022. In consonance with the primary objective, the study sought to answer the following specific questions: (1) What is the profile of Social Studies teachers in terms of the following variables: educational attainment; teaching experience; and monthly income. (2) What is the instructional competence of the Social Studies teachers as evaluated themselves? (3) What is the instructional competence of the Social Studies teachers as evaluated by their school heads themselves? (4) Is there a significant relationship between the profile of Social Studies teachers and their instructional competence level? (5) Is there a significant difference between the evaluation of the school heads and of the Social Studies teachers on the instructional competence? (6) What management plan can be proposed to enhance the instructional competence of the teachers in Social Studies? In relation to the foregoing sub-problems, the following research hypotheses were tested at .05 level of significant in its null form to wit: (1) There is no significant relationship between the profile of the Social Studies teachers and their instructional competence. (2) There is no significant difference between the evaluation of the school heads and the Social Studies teachers on their instructional competence? The coverage of this study was the evaluation of the level of instructional competency of the teachers in Social Studies. It includes the 31 teachers teaching Social Studies and 26 school heads of Bautista, Division of Pangasinan II for the school year 2021-2022. An output of the study was the proposed management plan for teachers teaching Social Studies in order to improve and strengthen their instructional competency level for the benefit of the students. This study used of the descriptive-normative method of research. The method is chosen because the technique is expected to illicit information that are objective in nature in order to realistic answer the research sub-problems. This method was appropriate because it reveals the actual condition of the respondents concerning their instructional competency level. The researcher used a questionnaire-checklist as the main data-gathering instrument. After which an unstructured interview was conducted to countercheck responses in the questionnaire, which the respondents finds difficult to understand. The data that was gathered from this study was tabulated, analyzed and interpreted using frequency count, percentage, weighted mean, and analysis of variance. To get the relationship between the profile and the evaluated competency level of teachers – the contingency coefficient was used.
Keywords: Teaching, Social Studies, Instruction, Teaching Strategies, Competence of Teachers
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2023-04-05

Vol : 8
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2023
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