V. Vineela
Research scholar , Kakatiya university
Workplace conflict is a perceived divergence of interests a belief that partys current aims are incompatible anytime where people work together. Conflict is a normal part of doing business conflicts normal and natural in any workplace but when it occurs theres tendency for morale to be lowered for absenteeism to increase and for productivity to decrease one research study estimated that managers spend at least 25% percent of their time responding to workplace conflicts handling and resolving conflicts that arise in the workplace is one of the biggest challenges managers and employees face. There are many causes and reasons for conflict in a work setting they include poor communication where different communication styles lead to misunderstandings between employees or employer in their manager, a lack of communication drives conflict underground different values, The process of recognising and dealing with disagreements in a way that is both just and effective is referred to as conflict management. The objective is to reduce to a minimum the potential negative effects that can result from arguments and to maximise the chances of there being a positive end result. The fact that humans exist inherently predisposes them to engage in conflict. If we put in the effort to understand it and properly manage it, we can increase the satisfaction we get from our social interactions as well as the productivity they bring.
Keywords: Conflict management, conflict resolutions, problems with conflict.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2023-04-17

Vol : 8
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2023
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