Prof. Amar V. Sable, Purva Bandabuche, Mayank Tiwari, Pranav Kate
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Sipna College of Engineering and Technology,Amravati, Maharashtra, India,
The paper presents a Smart Pill Reminder Box (SPRB) prototype. The System reminds the patient and caregiver of the medications timing. Smart Pill Reminder Box will allow doctors to monitor patients health status. The Smart Pill Reminder Box can reduce the responsibility of an elderly family member to administer the appropriate doses of medication at the right time without the human intelligence required to recall the exact date or time. Also, SPRB provides users with an Android application on their smartphone that allows them to manage and control medicine schedules and usage data remotely.
Keywords: Smart Pill Reminder Box, Node MCU, IoT, Pillbox, Stepper Motor
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2023-04-24

Vol : 8
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2023
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