Reshma S
Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Gopalan College of Commerce, Bangalore, Karnataka
Life is a mixture which contains all the strands together. A person should have both love and work in life to make it more happy and healthy. Work is an important part of everyone’s day to day life. In a day, on an average everyone spent at least eight to ten hours for work which is a part of our entire life. Human values were given inadequate attention by traditional management. Earlier it was like the employees were used for physical and material needs. The aspect of QWL was first introduced by Davis in 1970s. In 1972 the first International Conference on QWL was held at Toronto. The concept was introduced for reducing employee turnover and employee well being on the services offered by them. Quality of work life refers to the level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of a job environment for the employees working in an organization. The study attempted to enumerate the satisfaction level of the employees in their current job environment at Apollo. With this information Apollo can strengthen the factors which provide better QWL. In short, the study helped the company to make the work place a pleasant and highly motivating one for employees.
Keywords: QWL, Employee attitude, Employee satisfaction, Motivation, Organisation
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2023-07-09

Vol : 8
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2023
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