Ms. Mansha Rajpal, Dr. Swati John
Amity Global Business School , Pune, Maharashtra
Consumer Behaviour has been a concept existent for a long time and it is important for marketers to comprehend the buying behaviour of consumers while making purchases, so that strategies can be formulated appropriately, their needs, preferences and motives can be understood and catered to appropriately. There are various kinds of consumers, each possessing differing characteristics because of which a study needs to be undertaken to understand that. With the help of this research report, the concept of impulsive buying behaviour will be evaluated i.e. the purchases that take place on the spot/spontaneously without prior research or consideration. Traditionally, a buying process was followed in which a systematic purchase procedurehaving a methodological approach was followed, but, with time there have been changes in this and consumers have started making impulsive purchases as well especially when it comes to the current generation that is Post millennial. Although it is evident that all kind of products aren’t purchased impulsively, but there are certain products for which it does take place quite extensively. This will be studied in detail along with the various factors impacting impulsive purchases. Factors can include Demographic, Social, Cultural, Psychological, etc. and besides that, certain influences also exist such as friends, family, social media, celebrities, discounts, individual choices etc. Along with this, the research will help in gaining an insight regarding the satisfaction of consumers after making decisions impulsively.
Keywords: Impulsive Buying, Buying Behaviour, Consumer Buying, Purchases Factors
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2023-07-24

Vol : 8
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2023
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