Utkir Talibov
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This article talks about the life and scientific heritage of the most prominent jurist of his country, the talented one who answered delicate issues without difficulty, the strongest defender of Hanafism in debates, the Egyptian scholar Abu Jafar al-Tahawi (died 321/933). He handed down a collection of books that were absolutely essential for the Islamic world. One of the best works written by the author in the science of hadith is Sharhi Maani al-Asar. The article presents information about the structure and content of this work.
Keywords: Abu Jafar at-Tahawi, Sharhi Maoni al-Asor, Kutubu sitta, hadith, fiqh, jarh, tadil, musnad.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2023-09-26

Vol : 8
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2023
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