Dr. Asha Kumari, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Tripathi, Dr. O.P Singh , Dr. Shobhit kumar
Department of Kayachikitsa, Rishikul campus, Haridwar, Uttarakhand
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a common chronic skin condition that can lead to recurrent disease, and poor quality of life if left untreated. Genetic as well as environmental factors are thought to play a part in the pathogenesis. Eczema is most commonly seen in children but can be seen in adults. People with the disease tend to have dry, itchy skin that is prone to infection. Eczema is commonly known as the itch that rashes due to dry skin that lead to a rash as a result of scratching or rubbing. the most important treatment of eczema is skin hydration followed by topical steroids for flare-ups.The clinical presentations of Vicharchika is similar to Eczema in modern dermatology. Therefore to identify an alternative, the study entitled entitled ROLE OF VICHARCHIKARI TAIL AND LAGHU MANJISTHADI KWATH IN VICHARCHIKA was undertaken in 40 Vicharchika patients. All selected patients were randomly assigned to two groups, Group A (Vicharchikari Tail) & Group B (Laghu Manjisthadi Kwath). Total duration of study was 45 days along with a follow up period of 15 days. Assessment was done on the basis of subjective and objective parameters. Result- overall response was In Group A, Excellent improvement was seen in 50% of patients and 40% patients shows marked improvement. In Group B showed Excellent improvement was seen in 40% of patients shows Marked improvement in 40% patients. The overall effect of Group A was better than Group B in relieving the symptoms.
Keywords: Eczema, Vicharchika, Mahakushtha, KshudraKushtha, Shodhan, Shaman Atopic dermatitis.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2023-10-26

Vol : 8
Issue : 10
Month : October
Year : 2023
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