Goddidit Esiro Enoyoze, MacDonald Idu
Musanga cecropioides R. Br. ex Tedlie (family Urticaceae) is a tree distributed across some parts of Africa including Nigeria. Ethnomedicinal surveys of Musanga cecropioides implicate that its various parts are used in the management of several health conditions asides the numerous uses reported ethnobotanically. This review was thus aimed at assessing the extent of work done on Musanga cecropioides parts scientifically in order to identify the gaps that exist in literature. The review revealed the widespread application of Musanga cecropioides parts in the management of cough, diabetes and several other illnesses with little or no scientific work carried out to validate such claims.
Keywords: Musanga cecropioides, ethnobotany, ethnomedicine, characteristics and properties.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2023-11-24

Vol : 8
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2023
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