Uralova Oysuluv Poyon qizi, Bekmuratova Dilbar Xushmamatovna
Education is a complex field that encompasses various concepts and terms, making it crucial to establish a comprehensive categorization system. This article presents a systematic review of existing literature to identify and categorize educational terms. The review focuses on categorization systems used to classify terms in the domains of curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and educational technology. Findings revealed multiple approaches to categorizing educational terms, including hierarchical taxonomies, concept maps, and ontologies. The categorized terms provide a foundation for developing a standardized vocabulary across educational research and practice.
Keywords: education, educational terms, categorization, systematic review, curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, educational technology, taxonomy, concept mapping, ontology, research, policy development, communication
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2023-11-29

Vol : 8
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2023
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