Anand Khendke , Gitesh Vyas ,Shivani Khendke
Dr.Babsaheb Ambedkar Tecnological University, Raigad, Lonere.
Herbal teas have been consumed for centuries, valued not only for their exquisite flavors but also for their potential therapeutic benefits. This review paper delves into the[1] [1]formation of herbal tea using a harmonious blend of natural ingredients, including fennel, ginger, cinnamon, lemongrass, sweet lemon, and honey.[2][2] These ingredients, each possessing unique characteristics, come together to create a holistic tea experience that combines taste and health. Fennel, with its delicate anise-like aroma, contributes digestive properties, making it a staple in traditional herbal remedies.[3] Ginger, revered for its spicy warmth, offers relief from digestive discomfort and is recognized for its anti-nausea effects. Cinnamon, with its sweet and spicy notes, brings not only flavor but also potential anti-inflammatory benefits to the mix. Lemongrass, known for its citrusy aroma, imparts a sense of calmness and relaxation, making it an ideal addition to herbal blends. Sweet lemon, with its mild and sweet essence, lends a refreshing twist while offering potential immune support. Honey, the natural sweetener,[4] not only enhances the tea’s taste but also delivers antioxidants and antibacterial properties.[5] This research paper explores the chemistry, therapeutic properties, and synergistic effects of these ingredients when combined in herbal tea. We delve into their taxonomical classification, physiological characteristics, and potential pharmacological actions. Additionally, we discuss their scientific background, including the presence of bioactive compounds and relevant scientific research. Furthermore, the paper delves into the proportions and preparation methods of these ingredients to create a well-balanced herbal tea. We explore the benefits of individual ingredients and the harmonious symphony they create when blended. The customizable nature of herbal tea preparation allows for an experience tailored to individual preferences, while maintaining the health-promoting properties of each ingredient.
Keywords: Natural Ingredients; Phytochemical Analysis; Sensory Evaluation; Antioxidant Properties; Caffeine-Free; Traditional Remedies; Herbal Infusion; Health Benefits.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2023-12-14

Vol : 8
Issue : 12
Month : December
Year : 2023
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