Vaidya. Gagana V N, Dr.Veerayya R Hiremath, Dr.Gururaj N
Dept.of shalakya tantra, SJGAMC,Koppal
Darunaka is caused by vitiation of either Kapha and vata dosha and it is characterized by Kandu, Kesha bhumi rukshata (roughness), keshachyuti (hair fall) and twaksphutana (scaly flakes) in head region. Based on signs and symptoms it can be correlated to dandruff characterized by scaly flakes, roughness, itching, hair fall. Treatment includes External shampoo applications, Creams, oils etc.., it is a persistent and relapsing scalp disorder that affects approximately 50% of the general adult population worldwide. Ayurveda explains various treatment modalities of darunaka which includes Various lepas, Taila application etc..,though it seems to be simple but the in dept knowledge is required regarding nidhana panchaka,chikitsa,here is an attempt made to achieve that.
Keywords: Darunaka, Nidhana panchaka,chikitsa,Dandruff
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2023-12-23

Vol : 8
Issue : 12
Month : December
Year : 2023
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