Manivannan. T.A, Dr. S.T.N. Rajeswaran
Department of Physical Education, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
A modern trend that allows selection system optimization is the introduction of tests that assess the development of coordination skills. In handball, the player has to run, jump, and throw the ball while shooting and passing the ball, both stationary and moving. Psycho-physical training, in general terms, can be described as the continuous relationship between mental processes and human physical movements. The development of psychomotor behaviors in players combined with good physical training can lead to optimal manifestations of the players skills during matches. Thus, the present study was framed to study the effect of psycho-physical training on selected psychomotor abilities of static balance and dynamic balance among handball players at the school level. Samples: As samples (N = 96), students studying in schools who were participants in inter-school competitions were selected. The age group was fixed in the range of 13 to 17. Experimental design: A pre-post random group design was used as an experimental design in this study. By assessing the performance of overall playing ability samples (N = 96), samples in the range of 4 to 5 on the performance of overall playing abilities were further screened. Thus, a total of 54 samples were identified. Among them (N = 54), 40 samples were randomly selected and segmented into two groups equally. Thus, each group consists of 20 subjects. Group 1 acted as psycho-physical training (PPT), and Group 2 was considered the control group (CG). The collected data from the pre-test and post-test were tested with a paired t-test and analysis of covariance to test the individualized and comparative effects of psycho-physical training and the control group alone on selected psychomotor abilities of static balance and dynamic balance. To test the significance of the results derived, the 0.05 level was chosen as the level of significance. The results of the study confirmed the positive effect of psycho-physical training on the psychomotor abilities of static balance and dynamic balance.
Keywords: Handball, Psycho Physical Training, Psychomotor, Nishpanda Bhava, Static Balance, Dynamic Balance
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2024-02-24

Vol : 9
Issue : 2
Month : February
Year : 2024
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