Mukunda Madhab Gogoi, Ashi Lama
Department of Economics, Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.
Food processing industry plays an important role in economic development. It generates employment opportunities and income for the people and helps to improve their standard of living. It processes the agricultural products and helps to minise wastage of food. It contributes to value addition and contributes to economic progress. Assam produces a large quantity of fruits and vegetables and grains. The study was undertaken to examine the value addition and employment pattern in food processing units in the State. The study was based on secondary and primary sources of data. The primary data were collected from randomly selected sample of 120 units of food processing units from three districts of Assam. The data were analysed using frequency, percentage, bar and pie diagram. The study found that maximum value addition and income was generated by dairy units. But grains and cereal units were found to generate more job opportunities compare to other units. It was found that fruits and vegetables units engaged higher proportion of female than the male workers. The analysis of nature of jobs of the workers showed that three-fourth of the workers in surveyed food processing units were temporary. The main problem faced by the food processing units was unskilled and untrained workers. The study implies that there is an need to promote cereals and grains as well as consumer food units to generate more employment opportunities. Fruits and vegetables units should be given impetus to generate employment for women workers. Dairy should be promoted to generate more value addition and income. Training and skill development programmes should be conducted to develop skilled workers for food processing units.
Keywords: food processing industry, employment, value addition, nature job
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2024-03-14

Vol : 9
Issue : 3
Month : March
Year : 2024
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