Poonam pandit papule, Mr.Prajwal Papule
RMP'S Bhalchandra college of Pharmacy, Maharashtra
Modern life is stressful, and tension headaches are one result of that stress. Cosmetics have great demand since ancient time, now a days, a focus has been shifted more towards derived cosmetic products. Not only cosmetic products, but also to the skin products due to their ease of application among all dermal drug delivery products, pain balm formulation are preferably used so as to get the faster local effect. There has been an increasing focus on development of new routes of drug administration to provide tailored treatments for patients, without decreasing efficacy of analgesia, in proportion to the progression of the knowledge of pain mechanisms. While acute pain acts as an alarm, chronic pain is a syndrome requiring meticulous selection of analgesic drugs of high bioavailability for long-term use. Such criteria are challenges that topical medications aim to overcome, allowing progressive delivery of active component, maintaining stable plasma levels, with a good safety profile. Dashamoola inhibits prostaglandin synthesis to relive joint pain and inflammation, it also improves glucosamine level to lubricates and rejuvenate joint tissues Shallaki contains boswellic acid, which can help reduce inflammation and pain by targeting enzymes that release pro-inflammatory chemicals in the joints. Shallaki also has antiinflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling and pain in arthritis patients. The present research study is about to formulate the topical herbal balm for analgesic and anti-inflammatory activity
Keywords: Anti inflammatory activity Dashmoola oil, shallaki oil, camphor, rosemerry oil,Petrolium jelly,Sodium Benzoate, Herbal balm
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2024-06-22

Vol : 9
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2024
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