Academic, Istanbul, Turkey
Mass extinction is the large-scale extinction of living things. To date, it is widely believed that there have been 5 mass extinctions due to natural processes such as large volcanic eruptions, asteroid impacts or long-term climate change. Today, a sixth extinction is in the process of accelerating. But unlike the previous ones, this latest extinction is being driven by anthropogenic processes. Destruction of habitats of plants and animals, climate change due to fossil fuel consumption, consumption above the carrying capacity of nature, overpopulation, pollution; nuclear weapons, genetic interventions are among these. The fact that such practices are increasing rapidly and species are gradually decreasing in number and species indicates that mass extinction is continuing at the hands of human beings.
Keywords: Mass extinct, fossil, human, over population, capacity
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2024-06-29

Vol : 9
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2024
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