Kamath Nagaraj, Savadatti Shridhar, Lal Sarika, Ashvini SM
Corresponding Author: Kamath Nagaraj,Dean Innovations -Skill Development & Associate Professor , Department of Kriya Shareera, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda & Hospital, Hassan, Karnataka, India
Srotus(body channels) is considered as an important entity of the body and is responsible for the Vahana(transferring) of Dosha, Dhatu etc. Full body is considered as Srotomaya(made of Srotus). Among the types of Srotus, Svedavaha Srotus(which does Sveda Vahana) is given prime importance. The root of Svedavaha Srotus is considered as Meda(Adipose tissue) and Lomakupa(Hair follicle). Abnormality to Svedavaha Srotus leads to accumulation of Sweat bad smell, itching, even may cause excessive sweating. When Ushnamsha of the body increases it leads to secretion of Dravarupi Mala from Tvak which is usually by the burning of Fat tissue which leads to formation of carbon dioxide and water, water formed henceforth is secreted as sweat, hence Meda is considered as the Mulasthana(Udbhava Sthana) of Svedavaha Srotus. Once the formation of Sveda is finished, its Vahana has to take place out of the body since it is a Mala and for elimination the organ used is Lomakupa and hence it is considered as Mula for Svedavaha Srotus. By considering Udbhava Sthana of Sveda, Meda is considered as the Mula and by considering the Bahiniskramana Anga of Sveda, Lomakupa is considered as the Mula for Svedavaha Srotus. Similarly Srotomula of each and every Srotus should be analyzed along with its Mula and there is a need of further study in the field of Srotus and Srotomula.
Keywords: Srotus, Svedavaha, Meda, Lomakupa.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2024-08-01

Vol : 9
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2024
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