Dr. Alok Ranjan Nayak, Dr. Jyotsnamayee Pal, Dr. Jitendra Samal
Dept of Panchakarma, G.A.M, Puri, Odisha
Mutra (Urine) is one among the Trimala (Three waste products) and it plays a major role in Kledavahana (Transportation of sweat). Mutravega is one of the Adharaniya Vegas. Basti, which is the Srotomula (root of srotas) of the Mutra and one among the Trimarma. Mutrakrichra (UTI) is a disease which is well explained by all the Acharyas. The word Mutrakrichra comprises two words, Mutra and Kruchra, which means Kruchra Pravrutti of Mutravahana (difficulty in micturition). Mutrakrichra can be an independent complaint as well as associated symptom in other disease. Pittaj Mootrakruchra resembles with Urinary tract infection by symptoms of modern medicine. The Lakshanas of Pittaja Mutrakrichhra are Peetamutrata, Sadahamutrata, Krichhramutrata, Saraktamutrata, Muhurmuhar Mutra Pravrutti. Infections confined to Lower UTI commonly cause dysuria with burning micturition, frequency and urgency. Lower urinary tract infection includes cystitis and urethritis. These infections considered superficial (or mucosal) infections. Hence this attempt of present article made to define Pittaja Mutrakrichhra on scientific way w.s.r. LUTI. The disease Pittaja Mutrakricchra is well acknowledged in classical texts of Ayurveda, with different treatment modalities, which can be concurrent to urinary tract infection on theoretical and clinical symptomatology of diseases. Urinary Tract Infection is the most common infection managed in general medical practice and accounts for 1-3% of consultations. In contemporary science, the disease with similar signs and symptoms is Lower urinary tract infection. In this case report a 32-year-old male patient diagnosed with Mutrakrichra (UTI) and treated successfully with ayurvedic Management. Here in this article, we discuss about case of urinary tract infection & which treat by Ayurveda successfully.
Keywords: Pittaja Mutrakricchra , Ayurvedic Anubhuta Yoga, UTI, Cystitis, Mutravaha Srotas.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2024-09-05

Vol : 9
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2024
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