Dr.Neetu Maurya,Tabassum Khan
1.Assistant Professor, Department of History, Government Post Graduate College, Musafirkhana, Ameeti,2.Research Scholar, Department of History, Dr.R.M.L.Awadh University, Ayodhya
Women played a crucial role in protection of environment in India ,In the Chipko Movement, which is concerned with preservation offorests and maintenance of the ecological balance in the sub-Himalayan region, is a social movement, -an important role has been played by women of Garhwal region and this paper seeks to explore their contribution to the movement. The Chipko Movement, a grassroots environmental movement in India, is well-known for its success in saving trees and promoting sustainable development. Woman's involvement in the movement challenged traditional gender roles and empowered them to assert their rights and interests. The paper argues that a more inclusive and gender-sensitive approach to environmental activism is necessary to address the complex challenges of sustainable development
Keywords: Women, environment, surrounding, movement, nature, development
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2024-10-07

Vol : 9
Issue : 10
Month : October
Year : 2024
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