Assistant Professor, BRCM Law College, Bahal, Bhiwani, Haryana, India
Due to the Increasing rate of crime in the community, the well established gap between the police officers and the general public is constantly increasing. As a result of it, the relationship between the police officials and public becomes very disgraceful. There is a need for cooperative relationship between them in order to function well by the police officials and to establish a secure community. The trust of the public is declining towards the police officials with the interval of time due to their mal behaviour. That is why the policy makers are continuously promoting the idea of Community Policing among the police officers. Police makers emphasize on the implementation of Community policing by the law enforcement agencies. So that they can regain the trust and confidence of the general public and they can perform their duty in a smooth manner with the assistance of the local residents of a society. Excessive use of physical force by the police officers towards members of the public has widen the gap between them. As a result of it, there is a huge sense of disbelief towards the police officials among the members of the community. So it is urged that the police officials should reinvigorate their planning while enforcing laws in the community. Another important aspect of Community policing is that it is a “Problem Oriented Policing” approach in which the design of crime is strictly analysed by the police officers. After detecting the pattern of crime, the policemen come up with different strategies in order to successfully counter these issues of crime and disorder. Primarily, the Community Policing aims on the detection and prevention of street or neighbourhood crimes and disorders and it also provides for improved planning for countering the local issues of the public.
Keywords: Policing, Social disorder, Law enforcement, Beat Officers, Decentralization.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2024-12-12

Vol : 9
Issue : 12
Month : December
Year : 2024
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