Siti Noor Shamilah Misnan,Halimah Abdul Manaf
Dr, colgis
Entrepreneurship has been recognized as a pillar to the development of a country. In this context, the government plays an important role in the provision of space and opportunities to entrepreneurs through the entrepreneur development agenda. Undoubtedly, every development agenda requires allocation to ensure that every development has a positive impact on the target group, particularly for Bumiputera youths. Therefore, this study aims at identifying the influence of personality on the business continuity of youth entrepreneurs. Using quantitative methods (questionnaires), a total of 387 TUBE entrepreneurs were selected as respondents. The findings revealed that the level of entrepreneurial personality towards the continuity of the business is at a low level. The regression analysis found that there were five factors influencing the personality on the business continuity of the youth entrepreneurs. Therefore, improvement is an important element that needs to be focused on in the process of further strengthening the TUBE entrepreneurship program. In this study, improvement should be initiated from two perspectives, namely entrepreneurs and the organizers, namely the government represented by the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives (KPUK).
Keywords: entrepreneurship, business continuity, TUBE, youth, personality
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-04-08

Vol : 6
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2021
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