Dinesh Sonsale, Dnyanada Hire, Siddhant Pathak, Vedant Phulkar, Mayank Saini, Rutuja Ule
Student, Dy Patil Institute of Engineering, Management and Research
Data is the new gold and with more data comes the need to for more storage. Cloud storage services are not a thing of the future but are being used abundantly right now. However, there are terms and conditions to this. Some of these cloud storage services provide limited amount of free storage before you have to start paying for them or they are not free at all or they are a onetime payment deal. Cloud storage services backup your data and give you the opportunity to free up space on your device. They are used for multiple purposes like uploading personal data, company data, sharing files among multiple users. This data can be accessed either through the public internet or a dedicated private network. The data that you transfer offsite for storage becomes the responsibility of a third-party cloud provider. This review paper introduces one such Cloud storage service called "HomeCloud" which is unique and has a completely different approach towards storage and its use.
Keywords: Cloud storage ,HomeCloud,manual labour
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-04-26

Vol : 6
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2021
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