Dr. Gaonkar Gopalakrishna M, Mr. Manjunatha M
Associate Professor of Economics and Head, Govt. First Grade College and Centre for PG Studies , Tenkanidiyoor, Udupi
Globalisation, new technologies and demographic developments constitute an enormous challenge; one of the answers to this problem is the access to lifelong learning." - (Jan Figel) Technology has dominated all spheres of life. The education is also one of the fields where we can see the impact of information technology. Over several years the education process has seen drastic changes in imparting knowledge. During the last few years, it has been seen, an almost exponential development and growth of the digitalization, automation and the internet, with little sign of a slowdown. No longer is Internet access restricted to a few selected education establishments it is now available to anyone in their place of work, local libraries, the Internet sites and even in the home. It is the information that has becomes the key to the success in different walks of life. At the time of independence, India inherited an education system with glaring disparities between males and females, between upper and lower classes, between economically advantaged and disadvantaged groups and urban and rural population. Consequently, one of the primary responsibilities of the Government of India after independence was to make education available to all people. This responsibility was sought to be realized through the opening of more and more primary schools, secondary schools and colleges. However, the formal education system alone was found to be unable to meet the demand for education.
Keywords: Online, Traditional, Education, Pedagogy, Internet,
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-05-04

Vol : 6
Issue : 5
Month : May
Year : 2021
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