Mrs. Paridhi Singhai, Prof. Hirendra Hajare
M.TECH STUDENT, Ballarpur institute of technology
Smart phone technology creates new opportunities for fish farmers to increase their productivity and selling with ease. Fish Farmers working on farms are now able with a low cost smart phone and the specialized software application to obtain facilities that couldn’t have on their hands before. The use of this software application in a smart phone can overleap the high difficulties of fishers, fish farmers and input suppliers requirements which were stand as obstacle for many years so far. In this paper we present the e- Machhli which is an Android smart phone application and how it creates the management between the fishers, fish farmers and input suppliers and all of them to be performed by the touch of smart phone screen button. The use of software is basically or fishers and will be freely available on a Playstore . This e-Machhli App is an initiative under Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY). The app aims to serve as a comprehensive fisheries development marketplace and information portal for direct use of fishers, fish farmers as well as input suppliers. The platform will be the central digital platform for farmers managing fisheries including buying and selling of high yield seeds, feeds as well as equipment and implements and laboratory testing facilities
Keywords: Android application, Fish Farmers , Fishers, Fish Suppliers, Mobile Application
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-05-18

Vol : 6
Issue : 5
Month : May
Year : 2021
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