Dr Kannamani Ramasamy, Jayakumar S
Independent Researcher, NA
The second wave of COVID-19 is spreading in many countries badly. There are various initiatives by the WHO and medical authorities of respective countries to control the spread including vaccination. Countries with a mass population and also, countries with less population are affected with no partiality. Impact calculation is a critical factor in the pandemic. Currently, the USA, India and Brazil are the most affected countries based on the cumulative cases. It is imperative to do the proportion-based analysis to know the actual situation of the COVID-19 for the affected countries. In this paper, we discuss the confirmed cases and death cases analysis based on various proportional based ranking and explore the countries that are impacted with more cases and death count.
Keywords: COVID-19, Impact, Deaths, Population, Proportion.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-05-25

Vol : 6
Issue : 5
Month : May
Year : 2021
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