Ar. Kirti Varandani,Ar.Vibhuti Joshi,Ar. Sangeeth S Pillai
m.des sustainable design scholar student, CODE, Vivekananda global university
The aim of research is to identify the connection between daylight and museums. A museum may be a place where individuals will explore and learn the past, present and future of history, culture and science. Nowadays museum architecture emphasizes the museum for public interaction and best for education approach. The museum lighting is a challenge with daylight openings. This paper analyses the lighting environment of museum and art galleries with a satisfactory solution of daylight by using different passive design strategies without avoiding the harm to the artifacts and these parameters are good lighting solutions for existing as well as proposed building in terms of sustainability, energy consumption and perseveration. By using these parameters, we can also manage the artificial light and provide an advance solution in LED technologies and lighting solutions can be effectively used to retrofit a museum lighting environment and affecting the connection to the environment. Considering the benefits and challenges of introducing the daylight in museums and galleries. The typology of building and daylight parameters have directly impact on environment and create a visual shape in visitor’s mind. This study is based on majority of heritage buildings current deterioration state prevents those buildings from performing efficiently. A sustainable reuse approach for heritage buildings is considered essential. Old palaces that are usually reused with different functions mostly like museums for their considered interior beauty and unique rich designs. Function alteration along with a deteriorated state augments the energy consumption problem. The optimization of various skylight parameters is evaluated for their combined performance. The results disclose an improved performance which indicates the effectiveness of the energy and day lighting optimized strategies and techniques for heritage reuse. Daylight will help to create building more live, and a step to reducing the climate change and save our environment with global warming.
Keywords: Museums; Daylight Factor; Passive Design Strategies; Visual Comfort; Thermal Comfort; Sustainability.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-06-19

Vol : 6
Issue : 6
Month : June
Year : 2021
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