Deep Bhattacharjee
Departmental In-Charge , University of Calcutta
Are aliens transdimensional entities?, By this I have meant to say those beings rather living beings that are existent on different dimensions greater than our 4 that is our normal space-time dimensions. We have enough evidence from the Lorentz generators of the string theory that the maximum space-time dimensions can take the value upto 10, if time is considered as a singular dimension. However, in certain theories like the M-theory where there exists the 11th dimensions as SUGRA or supersymmetric gravity (graviton with gravitino) which on F-theory the dimensional regularization has been taken to 12 by splitting time into 2 dimensions with a higher degrees of freedom. It is very much possible and probable that in a higher dimensions d≫4 time can take the form of 2D where the local nature of 1D time would behave as a singular loop of various multiplicities as a non-local 2D element. In our 4 dimensions also, if we are sustained to believe time being a non-local element with the Einstein’s principle of “spontaneously happening past, present and future then we ought to believe that 1D local time itself acts as a 2D non-local time. Considering the dimensional range of spatial and temporal factor ~ 3+1 it can be said that there are higher ~ 6 additional spatial dimensions which are connected with the lower ~ 3+1 co-dimensions in the form of various inter-dimensional tunnels that specifies the initial and final positions from a lower dimensions to a higher dimensions. Without considering, in this paper, the respective size of the dimensions, if all those space-time dimensions ~ 6+1 are there, then it’s probable that there exists some particular creatures over those various dimensions. However, just as 4D consists of all the 3, 2, 1D’s, similarly the higher order dimensions like 10D would also contains 9, 8, 7, 6, 5…. 1D’s, therefore it can be said that 10D is very unstable and chaotic because of the intersections of various lower co-dimensions that exists in reality. There must be an inter-dimensional membrane that protects one dimensions from the other and those inter-dimensional tunnels, that exists in between (connecting) those dimensions must have an unstable mouth wandering unpredictably from one hyper-surface to another where if anyone gets caught in any of those tunnels mouth’ devoid of any singularities and horizons, then they ought to travel to the other dimensions that will always be >4 as permitted by the laws of physics standing on the 4D universe. Now, analyzing the vehicles that they used to transport from one point in spacetime to other, A detailed analysis on the engineering and phenomenology with respect to mechanisms of the unidentified aerial objects has been carried out extensively on the paper depicting why they are more advanced and on what mechanisms are they capable of the interstellar & intergalactic travel by virtue of electrohydrodynamics and semi-quantum kinetics.
Keywords: Hyper-surfaces; Hyper-membranes; Inter-dimensional tunnel, Cauchy horizon, Singularity, Cross-sections, Monodromy, Time slices, Co-dimensions; String theory
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-07-03

Vol : 6
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2021
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