Leo Augustus B. Jacob
This study determined the health and wellness program and new normal lifestyle of faculty performance of Cavite State University (CvSU). Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions: What is the demographic profile of CvSU faculty in terms of; age; gender; sex; position; years in service? What is the level of health and wellness awareness programs of the in terms of: stress management; smoking cessation programs; health screening; exercise program activities; nutrition education? What is the new normal lifestyle of the professor of the Cavite state university in terms of; physical distancing; frequent hand sanitation; Wearing of face mask and face shield? What is the level of faculty performance in terms of teaching new normal lifestyle of CvSU faculty in terms of; teacher’s performance (2019-2020) teaching effectiveness? Is the demographic profile has a significant effect on the faculty effectiveness performance? Is the health and wellness awareness program has a significant effect in the new normal new normal lifestyle of the faculty of CVSU? In order to conduct this study, letters was sent to the University President Dr. Hernando D. Robles, asking permission and approval to conduct the study. Permission from the university Dean for each department. Preparation of self-made questionnaire by the researcher followed in order to obtain the necessary data on the health and wellness awareness programs to the new normal lifestyle of Cavite State University (CvSU) faculty and their performance. The respondents of the study included approximately fifty (50) Faculty of Cavite State University in any field of specialization. The research made questionnaires were checked by the thesis consultants. The copies were then converted and sent through google form, considering the health protocols. The study utilized a descriptive design. The main source of data which was prepared by the researcher, used a simple descriptive statistics such as T-test formula and the weighted mean to determine the mean level of the health and wellness program to the new normal lifestyle of the respondents. The gathered information were automatically transferred into spreadsheets by google form and were given to the researcher’s statistician for the treatment and analysis. The gathered data were interpreted and presented into matrix form and appropriate interpretation was made. The result showed that there is a partial significant effect of health and wellness program on the new normal lifestyle of CvSU faculty and their performance, and therefore the null hypothesis stating that there is no significant effect is partially rejected, it can be inferred that there is a significant effect between them.
Keywords: Health and Wellness, New normal lifestyle, CvSU (Cavite State University) faculty
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-07-12

Vol : 6
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2021
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