K. Chinmai Devi, P. Santhoshi RupaDevi, Shaik Kathija, V. Rasagna, Kavitha Chaduvula
Student, Gudlavalleru Engineering College
Library Information Management System is a system which maintains the information about the books present in the library, their authors, the members of library to whom (students or faculty) books are issued, how many books are under issue and how many are remaining. Maintenance of all this information manually is a very complex task. Owing to the advancement of technology, organization of a library management using kiosk becomes much simple. It has been designed to computerize and automate the operations performed over the information about the members, book issues and returns and all other operations. This computerization of library helps in many instances of its maintenances. It reduces the workload of management as most of the manual work done is reduced. Along with that it uses fingerprint while login, which provides more security.
Keywords: Library Management System, Computerization, Automated Library Management System, Kiosk, Fingerprint.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-07-15

Vol : 6
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2021
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