Dr. Megha Satyawali ,Dr S.K. Meena, Dr. Neha Jain
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Hand problems, which could be cosmetic or functional or both, are hard to hide. Hands function affectedly concern to gesture and express, touch and care, dress, and feed. Impairments can be annihilating. The incidence of upper extremity injuries is significant and accounts for about one-third of all injuries. This study is conducted in order to find the effectiveness of splinting and sensory reeducation in the patient with wrist drop. A different subject prospective, experimental, flexible pre-and-posttest intervention design followed by descriptive analysis with questionnaire has been used for the purpose of this study. Baseline screening assessment was done by using DASH, Goniometer, oxford grading for muscle strength and monofilaments. Out-trigger hand splint was provided to all the subject. Sensory re-education training was given to the patients with conventional therapy for better result, 5 days/week over a period of 12 weeks. After 12 weeks of therapy, post-test will be done by using DASH, Goniometer, oxford grading for muscle strength and monofilament to obtain results. The unpaired t test (for quantitative data to compare two independent two groups was used for quantitative data comparison of all clinical indicators. Chi-square test and fisher exact test were used for qualitative data whenever two or more than two groups were used to compare. Level of significance was set at P≤0.05.The individual overall growth has been considered in the therapy sessions as the patient’s personal life, self-confidence, locomotion and day to day activities were hampered but after therapy session the individuals each aspect has overall growth including muscle strength which helps the patient to lift weight up to 2kg and make them able to hold the objects of different size and shapes for e.g. mainly patient has developed cylindrical, conical and spherical grasp.
Keywords: Sensory re-education, Wrist drop, DASH, Splinting, Functionality
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-07-15

Vol : 6
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2021
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