John Christopher M. Osorio
This study was conducted to find out the efficacy of an interactive pedagogical assessment tool using chatbot in learning delivery. It significantly sought answer to the questions; What is the status of using chatbot as an assessment tool in learning delivery to students in terms of: objective, content, evaluation. What is the respondent’s level of acceptability in terms of: usability, quality factor, and ease of use? Is there a significant effect in the performance of the learners as respondents after using Messenger Chat bot as an interactive pedagogical assessment tool? The researcher coordinated with the TLE teachers of Pila Senior High School to select forty (40) students based from the students’ exposure to the use of messenger chatbot. The distribution of questionnaire and collection of data to the respondents were gathered using google form. This research employs quantitative and non-experimental design utilizing correlational technique. The researcher used descriptive research that aimed to know the effects of using messenger chatbot as an interactive pedagogical assessment tool in learning delivery. The data gathered has been codified into various traditional categories with appropriate hypothetical in null and working forms and subsequently tested by non- parametric treatment through P-value and F-value formula respectively to arrive substantial conclusion can be drawn in the resolution with the foregoing problem areas investigated. From the above step-by-step research cycle process, the basic questions propounded are resolved. The following are the significant findings of the study. The average or mean of the status of chatbot as an assessment tool in learning delivery in terms of objective very high. For the status of messenger chatbot in terms of content was very high and the average or mean score of the status of messenger chatbot in terms of evaluation was interpreted also as very high. Moreover, for the dependent variable, messenger chatbot status as an interactive pedagogical assessment tool on the performance of the learners in terms of 3rd quarter summative examination the obtained result indicated significant analysis. This further implied that the objectives and content of the Messenger Chat Both affect student’s performance. This means that the utilization of assessment tool applications boosted students learning as the goals contents aids the learners to achieve outstanding performance. Based on the result, the interpretation was significant. Therefore, null hypothesis was not sustained. It revealed that there is significant effect of messenger chatbot as an interactive pedagogical assessment tool in learning delivery in the quarterly summative examination. Messenger chatbot was recommended to be used as a supplementary assessment tool and to further practice in schools specially in this time of pandemic. It provided a fun-learning environment to students even they were at home.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-07-20

Vol : 6
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2021
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