Ashiq Hussain Najar
Student, RIMT University
One of the challenges facing the world currently is how to minimize energy consumption using fossil fuels due to the negative socio-environmental impacts and price volatility. One of few approaches is to increase renewable energy sources such as solar as an alternative clean source to protect the environment, adhere to global and national policies towards the clean energy development as well as increase energy access, to urban and rural areas. India has raised concerns regarding the development of renewable energy sources such as wind, hydro, and solar energy. Integration of a combined photovoltaic and thermal system was considered to transform simultaneous energy into electricity and heat. This was done to challenge the low energy efficiency observed when the two solar energy conversion technologies are employed separately, in order to gain higher overall energy efficiency and ensure better utilization of the solar energy. Therefore, the notion of using a combined photovoltaic and thermal system was to optimize and to improve the overall PV panel efficiency by adding conversion to thermal energy for residential and commercial needs of hot water or space heating or space cooling using appropriate technology. The PV/T model constructed using water as fluid like the one used for the experimental work, presented a marginal increase in electrical efficiency but a considerable yield on the overall PV/T efficiency, because of the simultaneous operation by coupling a PV module with a thermal collector.
Keywords: Solar Energy,Photovoltaic PV, solar Combined Photovoltaic and Thermal collector PV/T, Solar thermal system STS
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-07-28

Vol : 6
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2021
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