Nagesh KT, Ms. Sithara Chondamma, Muhammed Shafeeq K R
Student, Coorg Institute Of Technology, Ponnampet
In automobiles, many advancements in technology could take place. Either interior or exterior, but cases of accident depend on the driver and the other automobiles surrounding the driver. So, it takes a keen importance in emergency service providence in automobiles in case of any accidents. In this project emergency service is activated as soon as there is any sight of accident. Accident stimulus is taken from the sensors like vibration, tilt and flame sensors. This sensor module is connected to the microcontroller which operates to perform the activity to send alert message in the system and also outside the system. If in case there is no accident witnessed but still the sensor module has detected the emergency, driver can always switch the alert of from the switch provided which is again connected to the microcontroller. Microcontroller sends signals to the Bluetooth module connected to it in case of accident. Bluetooth module which is to be connected to the phone of the user or the driver will get access to the android application. In this android application the driver has to login and feed his personal details so that it helps in case of accident. He will also be asked to feed his close contact to whom he wishes to send alert message in case of accident. This application send message to the close contacts and also send message for the nearby hospital ambulance driver with location of accident. Since the ambulance driver may or may not be near the accident area, application also get access to the ola or uber application to find the nearby driver to pick up to the nearby hospital for emergency. From this application time for surveillance to be provided is reduced so as to get immediate response to the emergency victims.
Keywords: Raspberry Pi, GPS, Vibration Sensor, L293D Motor Driver, Wi-Fi, Python
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-08-09

Vol : 6
Issue : 8
Month : August
Year : 2021
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