Qo'ldoshov O'ktamjon O'rozovich
researcher, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
To translate adequately, translators are required to know and apply a number of translation methods, procedures, strategies, and linguistic aspects in the translation process. One of these aspects is meaning, because the most important goal that a translator must achieve in the translation process is to fully preserve the meaning. For the complete preservation of the meaning of the source text (ST) the translator uses various adaptations and translation transformations. The object of this research is a converse translation, which is one of aspects of the modulation method in translation. The converse translation as an interpretation of an event or situation by changing point of view has been analyzed with practical examples in depth. The article highlights the examples translated with the technique of the converse translation from the novel “Bygone Days” by Abdullah Qodiriy, translated by the famous American translator M. Reese, and draws reasonable conclusions. Although the syntactic structures of sentences in ST and TT are different, it has been analyzed that one of the ways to preserve the meaning of the original is through the converse translation. The research gives concrete examples that changes in the focus of an event and the theme-rhema structure of a sentence occur when the converse word is replaced by its functioning word.
Keywords: converse translation, change of meaning, modulation, relational opposition, form and meaning, converse interpretation, semantic strategy, linguaculture, symmetric conversions, implicit meaning.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-09-10

Vol : 6
Issue : 9
Month : September
Year : 2021
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