A Rajaraman, Sri Prathyangira Swamy
The hypothesis of the study is to confirm that the influence of the planets Rahu, Saturn and the Moon, which can give yoga abroad, is in the horoscopes of those who receive yoga abroad, and the influence of the karmic signs of Lagna, Nine and Twelfth house, which give yoga abroad. This study examines the horoscopes of those who want to go abroad for education, those who want to go abroad for work, and women who want to go abroad for marriage by examining the horoscopes of those who want to go abroad for education. ‘Yoga Going Abroad’, this study has kept most of the people born in India with the idea of going abroad at least once in their life. It comes in many forms: higher education, medical education, marriage, work, career, travel, Women living with their husbands after marriage, the opportunity to go abroad for the delivery of a daughter or daughter-in-law living abroad, and for the care of grandchildren after childbirth. The purpose of this study is to study the benefits of those who have gone abroad and those who are living abroad permanently and to explore who will be eligible for yoga abroad.
Keywords: Bhakyashtana, Bhakyathipathi, Pada, Dasa, Buddhi.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-10-08

Vol : 6
Issue : 10
Month : October
Year : 2021
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