Sirojiddinov B.A., Bobojonov H.Z.
Botany, Andijan State University
It has given the results of studying of biological features of flowering of wild-growing Australian species (G.sturtianum J.H.Willis, G.australe F.Muell, G.nelsonii Fryx, G.bickii Prokh.) and intraspecific diversity of Indo-Chinese cotton (G.arboreum L.). It was determined for the Australian species is characteristic two types of flowering: cleistogamous and chasmogamous, and for Indochina species only chasmogamous flowering type. Discrepancy of cycles of the reproductive period, and also a dormant period of plants at the studied species and forms was revealed. Discrepancy of cycles of flowering complicates works on hybridization heterogenomic species and to their involving to genetic and breeding process.
Keywords: biological features, cotton, species, comparative morphology, cleistogamous, chasmogamous.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-10-20

Vol : 6
Issue : 10
Month : October
Year : 2021
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