Aljon Victor G. Nibalvos, Cristina T. Nibalvos
Faculty, Eastern Samar State University
Backyard soil collected from the vicinity of the Graduate School, Eastern Samar State University was subjected to analysis and modification using different ratios at 1:5, 1:10, 1:20 and 1:30 of coconut shell wood vinegar to water ratio as soil conditioner. The soil samples were tested qualitatively for its color, texture, and soil structure and soil consistency, quantitative determinations were also conducted to the samples in terms of their electrical conductivity, pH and salinity. Results found out that soil samples subjected to coconut shell wood vinegar has a Dark gray brown to Very dark gray color according to the Munsell color chart, the soul, its texture was determined to be clay loam, a granular soil structure and a friable soil consistency, regardless of the ratio of coconut shell wood vinegar applied. Chemical analysis of the soil revealed a lower pH range of 4.213 (1:5 ratio) to 5.140 (1:30) than the untreated soil at 6.347. In terms of its electrical conductivity, soil samples have a very slight increase in soil EC which is 16.577 µS/cm (1:5) - 16.689 µS/cm (1:30) than the untreated soil component at 16.269 µS/cm. Salinity conversions also revealed a very small change in pH from 10.3 for the negative control to 10.5 – 10.6 salinity range. Overall, the chemical results on pH and soil EC are within the acceptable range, while salinity is higher than the acceptable range. Finally, statistical analysis revealed no significant difference to all the chemical parameters on 1:5, 1:10, 1:20 and 1:30 ratio application to the untreated or negative control soil group, indicating that higher concentrations of coconut shell wood vinegar might give feasible results.
Keywords: wood vinegar, soil analysis, soil characterization, soil conditioner, wood vinegar ratio
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2021-12-04

Vol : 6
Issue : 11
Month : November
Year : 2021
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