ADAMS Oluwadamilola Kemi
-, National Defence College
Conflict has been regarded as one of the major constraints to agricultural production in Nigeria. Farmers and cattle herdsmen conflict is one of the major conflicts that is predominant and it affect rural households in Nasarawa State. This study was therefore designed to identify the conflict experiences of farmers and how it affect farmers in the State. Data used for this study were obtained from a total of 179 households through a three-stage sampling technique. The first stage was the purposive selection of 10 crisis prone local government areas. Second stage was the selection of one village each from each crises prone local government areas. The third stage was random selection of 25 households. Major tools of analysis for this study included descriptive statistics, correlation analysis. Majority of the rural households have agriculture as their major source of income (96.09%). All the rural households have experienced conflict at one point in time during the time frame of the study. Farmer/herdsmen conflict was experienced by 94.41% of the households. Ethnoreligious was experienced by 36.31% of the respondent while communal clashes was experienced by 3.35% of the respondent thereby revealing that the mostly experienced conflict is the farmer/herdsmen conflict which occurred on an average of 3 times over a period of five years. It is therefore recommended that farmers should be trained and supported on the use of improved varieties to increase yield without increasing the size of land so as to avoid negative effects of conflict on agricultural production. Besides, there is the need for herdsmen to adopt better ways of livestock management.
Keywords: Conflict, Experiences, and Rural Households
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2022-02-24

Vol : 7
Issue : 2
Month : February
Year : 2022
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