Shashikant Yadav , Mairaj Ali, Neeraj Gupta , Smruti Patil
student, Mumbai university
For any organization or any of business community their data is must needed thing to take next decision or forward strategies . As just now days in market many of platforms are available which works on previous data or using previous data they can forward but there would be problem about large amount data where they can store then there would be many resource like cloud computing or etc. but using thing they have paid for these things how much they can use it. For any organization there would have same data in repeating manner but can’t clarify it because of it takes more time. Apart of that as example if we had to conduct any exam in online mode and we launch the software at each computer to conduct exam it also take more time and man power and it’s very elaborate all these problem which thing mention we have data deduplication on file system using fuse by these can operate many file from one computer any by we can rectify the duplicate data and solve the having by these by this whole solution here we have good advantage like less time consumption, less cost , less man power need. There have many of advantages. This task is achieved with varying degree of success through the implementation of data deduplication on file system using fuse.
Keywords: Time complexity, Less storage, Fuse library, SHA-256 Algorithms, data analysis, Database, libraries, result.
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2022-04-25

Vol : 7
Issue : 4
Month : April
Year : 2022
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