Dr. Aradhana Nanda
This paper is an attempt to understand the evolution of capitalism as a system. As a system, it has withstood challenges over centuries. The challenges range from existential, political, social, economic and environmental. However, the capitalist system has some ‘in-built’ strength which makes its evolution happen and adapt to the times. In present times, the world has a lot of environmental challenges – global warming, melting glaciers, forest fires, rising sea levels, extinction dangers, depleting ozone layers and so on. Given the challenges, it is pertinent that the sustainable development goals should be the primary concern of every country. This year marks the 50th year of the setting up of the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) (formed in 1972). And, this year the theme for ‘World Environment Day’ is ‘One Earth’. Therefore, it calls for a united effort to address the issues and avert the environmental crisis.
Keywords: Capitalism, consumerism, sustainable development, disruptive innovation, climate
Journal Name :
EPRA International Journal of Research & Development (IJRD)

Published on : 2022-07-04

Vol : 7
Issue : 7
Month : July
Year : 2022
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